France is a unitary semi-presidential republic with its capital in Paris. France, in Western Europe, encompasses medieval cities, alpine villages, and Mediterranean beaches. Paris, its capital, is famed for its fashion houses, classical art museums including the Louvre, and monuments like the Eiffel Tower France is one of the oldest nations on Earth and the most ethnically diverse country in Europe. These deep and broad influences have made France a world leader throughout history in nearly all aspects of culture, including cuisine, wine-making, politics, philosophy, music, art, film, fashion, literature, and sports.
The French higher education system is one of the best in the world. It is also one of the most accessible ones. With low tuition fees, studying in France is more economical for international students. France is one of the top destinations for international students. The number one reason is that studying in France is affordable, but at the same time, the quality of education is excellent. The universities in France rank among the best in the world but are still less expensive than their counterparts overseas. Not only are you paying lower than other students in another country, but you will also get a globally-recognized degree and will be sought after by numerous companies worldwide.